Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse

The Sun is in Sagittarius, so the Moon is in the opposite sign of Gemini. During this Full Moon let your consciousness expand and consider things you might think are beyond your reach. This is not the time to put blinders on your vision for yourself. It is the time to reach for the stars. Sagittarius is the archer, and you can take aim and let your hopes and dreams take flight. Don’t hold back. Right now is the time to imagine yourself at your greatest possibility.

The Moon is in Gemini, and this points to a connection between your intuition and your intellect. What you think and what you feel right now are one in the same. It is time to embrace the expanded ideas that Sagittarius brings forth into your everyday life into your local Gemini community. Focus on the balance between your intellect and intuition, your expanded visions and your daily actions. Let yourself integrate the dreams and visions you have for yourself (Sagittarius) and start taking small actions immediately (Gemini). Be the change you want to see in the world. Mercury is also in Gemini right now, conjoined the Sun, so that just adds an explanation point!

A full moon is when the Sun and Moon stand in exact opposition from each other. During a lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon. It is the shadow of the Earth that you see moving across the Moon. At the height of the eclipse, for a total of 72 minutes,  the Sun, Earth, and Moon are lined up directly behind one another, and the Moon is completed dimmed. During the eclipse, the Sun, Earth, and Moon are in a powerful syzygy, or alignment. This eclipse will be visible, weather permitting, all over North America. In the eastern part of the US, it begins at 1:33 am on Tuesday, December 21st, is at its peak at 3:13 am, and ends at 5:01 am, as the graph illustrates.  On the west coast it begins  at 10:33 pm on Monday, December 20th, and ends in the early hours of Tuesday, December 21st. The last total lunar eclipse was two years ago, and the next one we’ll be able to see in North America will be April 15, 2014. You can watch a lunar eclipse with the naked eye, and the Moon will change colors through the event, until it is a deep red at its peak. For more information go to NASA, which is having forums and shared pictures the entire night of the eclipse. For an animated look at the time and movement of the eclipse go to http://shadowandsubstance.com/

The Sun represents your conscious Spirit, the Moon represents your intuitive Soul, and the Earth represents your physical body. During this eclipse those three parts of yourself are in perfect alignment, perfect syzygy. You now have the opportunity to integrate your intellect (Sun) and intuition (Moon) into your physical body (Earth). You can plant the seeds of consciousness into your bones, sinews, and senses. It is a reminder that you are a spirit in a physical body, and that the actions you take in your daily life, in your community, and in the world, really and truly matter.

This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse takes place at 29 degrees of Sagittarius, which means it also aligns with the center of our galaxy, which is located near 27 degrees of Sagittarius. The Galactic Center is the rotational center of our spiral shaped Milky Way Galaxy, the churning whirlpool around which our own solar system slowly circles. At the center of our galaxy there is a huge black hole, and just last month I wrote about how scientists recently discovered huge bubbles of powerful energy radiating from the center. See my Blog for more.

For you: With this quadruple syzygy – Sun, Earth, Moon, Galactic Center- occurring on December 21st, you can tap into powerful universal energies to fuel the visions of expansive Sagittarius. Forget Red Bull. For the ultimate energy drink follow these instructions: Breathe deeply and center yourself. Imagine yourself as the Earth. In front of you is the Sun, behind you the Moon. The three of you are aligned in perfect balance and you feel the cord of energy that connects you, one to the other. Now, take that cord and extend it out, far out, into the universe, to the very core of our Milky Way. Drop your cord into the energy that is pulsating at the Galactic Center. Now start drinking in that energy by imagining with each in-breath that you are pulling the galactic energy through a straw, and bringing it down the straw through the Sun, and through you, the Earth, and into the Moon. Feel yourself radiate with strength and power. Repeat when needed.

New Moon in Sagittarius

Maxfield Parish's Ecstacy

New Moon Sunday at 12:39 pm in Sagittarius. This is a perfect time to expand your vision for what you want for yourself and the world. A New Moon is when the Sun and Moon are conjoined together in the same zodiac sign, in this case 13 degrees of Sagittarius. Let your imagination lead you, consider things you might think are beyond your reach. This is not the time to put blinders on your vision for yourself. It is the time to reach for the stars.

From this New Moon until the Full Moon on December 21st, which is also going to be a Lunar Eclipse, keep thinking about what you want to happen in your life. Then on the Full Moon, you can take aim and let your hopes and dreams take flight. Don’t hold back. Right now is the time to imagine yourself at your greatest possibility.

December 21st is the Winter Solstice, as well as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. It is going to be a very big day to begin to bring your vision into manifestation. So you want to give yourself plenty of time over these next two weeks to really think about what you want. For example, create a vision board using images from magazines to express all the things you are interested in experiencing. Write down a vision and say it to yourself every day. When writing a vision always write in the present tense, and do not use negatives. For example, don’t say: “I will quit smoking and lose weight.”Instead say: “I can breathe deeply in my lungs which are healthy and clean, and I feel great about my body which is  limber and strong.”

Full Moon in Taurus

Cosmogonic Tree by Marcia Snedecor

Full Moon in Taurus on Sunday Nov. 21 at 12:27 pm. Taurus is an earth sign. It is as strong and fixed in its nature as Scorpio but in an entirely different way, so it provides a good balance. Where Scorpio wants to heat things up, Taurus wants to cool things down. While Scorpio wants deep emotions, Taurus wants deep roots. The Moon is a nurturing principle and provides a container around you so that you feel protected and safe. With the Moon in Taurus, that protection can be very solid and grounded, holding you so closely that your emotional life can settle down and find a way to express itself. I’ve been listening to Dave Matthews’ song “When the World Ends” all month, and it seems to resonate in me the idea that even in complete chaos there can be safety. He says “Don’t you worry about a thing cause I’ve got you here with me…”  Our inner life can churn and burn as it comes to the surface, but if we are solid in any aspect of our lives we can feel contained and protected enough to allow it happen with some amount of objectivity, even creativity.

During this Full Moon in Taurus ask yourself: What makes me feel safe? What in my life settles me down and provides a solid container? If you don’t have a safety net yet, this Full Moon is a perfect time to think about what you need it to be. It could be a home, relationship, children, job, connection to the Divine, meditation, or nature. The best time for ceremony and meditation is from the Full Moon on Friday night through Monday at dawn when the beautiful ephemeral Moon slips into the west . Ponder these questions all weekend. Journal, dream, talk, draw, drop down grounding roots in guided visualizations. Let safety, protection, and comfort move through your every cell.

Full Moon in Aries


Aries by Eric Williams

You only have a few days left to kiss and make up. The time between the Full Moon on September 23rd and this Full Moon on October 22nd has contained a very rich opportunity to find the balance between the needs of yourself and the needs of others. Both Full Moons are in Libra/Aries  which emphasizes how important it is to maintain a balance in your different relationships. Of course the first relationship that comes to mind is your lover, wife, or husband. But Libra wants harmony in all your long lasting commitments, including best friends and business partners. This past month the bold and quick energy of Aries had you speaking your mind and your heart as never before. You may have been surprised by the power of your convictions and the strength to take care of yourself, and even left some confused and damaged relations behind. But if you look closer I think you will see that as you empower yourself that you also strengthen your relationships because you can’t have a really good relationship if you don’t fully show up as the unique individual that you are.

What to focus on this Full Moon? Take some time to consider what these past 30 days have been about regarding you and your relationships. Have you created any new partnerships? Are they based on the truth of who you are? or are you building them on the quicksand of superficial appearance and wishful thinking? Have you been honest in your existing relationships? Are there any rough edges you want to smooth over? Any friends you need to call and meet for coffee just to mend any frayed links. Parents? Children? Business Partners? Now is the time to harmonize your existing relationships, because with Scorpio coming in strong, you may discover that any unsettled feelings will come to a head with a vengeance.

Best times for ceremony and meditation are Thursday moonrise at 6 pm to Friday night at 10:30 pm EDT when the Moon changes from Aries to Taurus. And don’t forget the powerful beauty of the Full Moon setting at dawn on Friday morning in the west. Oh, and that beautiful, bright, and shining light you see near the Moon? That is Jupiter, and it will follow the Moon all night, and you can see it setting in the dawn’s early light as well. Jupiter is a planet that is protective and expansive, so it brings an extra energy to the harmony of all your relations.

Why are people so tired?

Dear Lilan.  Just curious if you have idea on why people are feeling just plain tired and rotten.  Wondered if the Moon or whatever is contributing?  Signed: Curious

Dear Curious, The Full Moon was a powerful one this month, and I heard a lot of reports of people being spaced out, tired, and irritable. But the Full Moon is only active for a few days. It sounds like what you are referring to is something more long term. Astrologically, there has been a pretty intense energy in the sky that started this summer with Saturn, Pluto, Uranus, and Jupiter making a cardinal T-Square, which some people have referred to it as a Cardinal Cross, or Crisis Cross. Many people have been talking about it as pretty stressful. It’s hard to generalize to the entire population based on planetary aspects. It is much better to compare the planetary changes to a person’s individual horoscope. But, this aspect has been creating lot of stress, anxiety, feeling unsettled, many changes, and disturbed sleep. This intense aspect  is now ending as Saturn is moving out  and Uranus and Jupiter are taking a bit of a siesta, so there should be a feeling of relief.

But this early March Uranus and Jupiter will reconnect with Pluto, and I would imagine things will gear back up and stress will increase again. So, this is a long way of saying I bet people you know are responding to uncertainty and stress. It would be good to do meditation, stress reduction techniques, and look into supplements that might help stress and sleep.

Hope this helps.

Jupiter and the Moon

That beautiful bright light next to the Aries Full Moon is Jupiter. Go out tonight and tomorrow and put your attention on the realization and expansion (Jupiter) of your most passionate and creative nature (Moon). Uranus is right there too, but too far away to see with the naked eye. Uranus adds a touch of the unexpected and even explosive. So don’t do anything too crazy or risky, it could backfire on you. Balance all this big Arian energy with the love and deep connections of the Libra Sun, and you will find the balance you need to express your most dynamic self.

Fall Equinox and Harvest Moon

The Sun is in Libra, and the Sun is the conscious part of ourselves that is seeking and striving to be fully in its light – enlightenment. So this month, bring your total consciousness to your relationships. Open your ears to really listen with curiosity and respect, and open your hearts to allow the sweetness of compassion to strengthen the ties that bind you to the people in your life.

by Linda Holt-Ayriss

Moon in Aries. Oh boy. Watch out for emotional flare ups, challenging conversations, locking horns in battle, thoughtless actions. And all of this from a totally unconscious place. The Moon is our Soul, which lives in the realm of the unconscious and speaks through the language of emotions. So, to say that for the next few days we will all be unconsciously triggered by any little thing is a bit of an understatement. This Ram, the symbol of Aries, is prancing quite unconcerned through the wreckage of a volcanic eruption. I think that about says it all.

Aries is a wonderful energy. Passionate, fierce, energetic, direct, courageous, combative. But those are qualities best used with a certain amount of consciousness and intent. When Aries is hanging out with the Moon, and all reason is lost, and when it is fueled by Uranus and Jupiter, as it is right now, well, all bets are off. I suggest buying flowers, making dinner, seduction, flattery, humor, whatever it takes to get your foot out of your mouth.

The Sun leaves the sign of Virgo (remember her beautiful purity?), and enters Libra late Wednesday night. Libra is the sign of relationships and is represented by balance scales, an instrument that allows us to weigh two things in relationship to each other. I thought this drawing by one of my favorite artists, Susan Seddon Boulet, a more beautiful illustration of the balance between duality, than any picture of scales.

If you look closely (i.e. meditate) on this picture you will see much that reminds you of Libra. First, the duality, second, it is beautiful, and third, it is full of love. Hearts connect these two people and there is a cupid at the base, showing that the foundation of any relationship is love. And the butterflies signify transformation, which is part of any real relationship, that challenges us to grow. And the ears!! oh the ears! It is through listening that we create relationships. Libra knows that any relationship exists because of the connection between two people – not a projection of what we want a person to be – but a real connection based on truth, and honesty, and communication.

The Equinox happens twice a year, once in the Spring, and one in the Fall. It is part of the cycle of the Sun I mentioned in the last Moon Letter. Equinox means “equal” and it is when the day and night are equal in length. From this point on, night will gain the upper hand until we reach the Winter Solstice, when night is dominant and the light is short. The Fall equinox always occurs when the Sun moves into Libra, the sign of Balance. Libra represents the balance between day and night, between yang and yin, between love and war, between men and women, between …..

The Sun is in Libra, and the Sun is the conscious part of ourselves that is seeking and striving to be fully in its light – enlightenment. So this month, bring your total consciousness to your relationships. Open your ears to really listen with curiosity and respect, and open your hearts to allow the sweetness of compassion to strengthen the ties that bind you to the people in your life.

by Susan Seddon Boulet

During each Full Moon we have the opportunity to balance the opposing energies of the Sun and the Moon; this month we balance Libra and Aries. Libra is the refined, conscious, beautiful woman who seeks the best in all relationships in order to find harmony. In essence, she is Beauty.

Aries is the Beast. The lovable, but totally primitive and unconscious animal parts of ourselves that are so full of energy, that without them all the beauty in the world would die on the vine.  We need both of these energies. We need the passionate nature of our unconscious angers and emotions. But we also need them to be tamed by the desire for love and relationship.

This Full Moon, either Wednesday or Thursday (day or night, since the Moon puts out spectacular light into the dawn) meditate on how your unconscious beliefs and habits are creating havoc in your relationships. Are you reacting to your current lover like she was your x-wife? Are you overly sensitive about criticism because it reminds you of your father? Do you feel insecure due to your parents early divorce? The list of human foibles goes on. Be the Beauty. Allow your love and compassion and awareness to bring the Beast in yourself into harmony. This is the time of the year to balance that which is your darkness and that which is your light. Remember they need each other, for in the connection we are complete.

Full Moon at 1:05 pm EDT Tuesday Aug 24

by Robert Place

The Full Moon is when the Moon is exactly opposite the Sun, reflecting the Sun’s light like a huge mirror in the sky. Since the Sun is in Virgo, the Full Moon will be in the opposite sign of Pisces.

Virgo and Pisces are two energies that have the same goal, but just use different means to get there. Their goal is to bring compassion and healing to the world through service. Virgo, an earth sign, does it though very practical and physical ways, like healthy eating and a daily routine that is structured around healing. Pisces is a water sign, and so the way it goes about bringing compassion and healing to the world is through spirituality and intuitive action. While Virgo embraces a daily routine, Pisces seeks to dissolve all barriers and move into a place of unity and oneness with all things. The sign of the mystic, Pisces can tune into the deeper mysteries of the universe and seek guidance through interior meditation and prayer. While you might find Virgo in a hospital, Pisces is likely to be found in a monastery, hence this lovely picture of Buddha in meditation under the Full Moon.

Pisces, of course, has a dark side. It is often hard to find inner peace and spiritual connection while living in a world of stress, conflict, and fear. So Pisces can take the easier path that includes abusing drugs, alcohol, or fantasy and spend a fair amount of time just spacing out! The rich inner life of a Pisces can seem much more attractive than a world hungering for help. But there are many fun and productive ways for Pisces to tune into the inner world and find a connection to Spirit that can guide and sustain. Art, music, meditation, yoga, prayer, ritual, devotional reading, trance, writing, and moon-bathing are just a few.

To bring balance between your Pisces and Virgo selves use the ability of Virgo to provide you with the structure and routine you need to connect to your divine source in whatever way that most resonates to your Soul. Perhaps this will be starting (or re-committing) to a daily practice of meditation or yoga, attending your house of worship on a weekly basis, taking a long walk in nature each Sunday, or starting a nightly dream journal. Use Virgo’s organizational ability to create the time to raise your own level of spiritual consciousness,  which will help you discover how to bring your unique gifts into service for the world.

New Moon in Leo Monday August 9th

Update August 9th

Leo by Eric Williams

The Moon moves rather quickly and so only stays in a zodiac sign for about 2 1/2 days. A New Moon isn’t just when the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign, it’s when they are in the same degree of the sign, in other words, really, really close (known in Astrology as an exact conjunction ). The Sun, since it stands still, is very regular in its appearance in the different zodiac signs, which is why you know what sign the Sun is in each year by the date. The Sun is in Leo from July 22st to August 22nd. So that means that this New Moon occurs in Leo. At 7:23 pm EDT on Sunday August 8th the Moon moved into the sign of Leo. On Monday at 11:08 pm EDT the Moon reaches 17 degrees of Leo, bringing it to the exact conjunction with the Sun. Each zodiac sign has 30 degrees, so this New Moon occurs pretty much right in the middle of the Sun’s Leo journey.

New Moons are times of new beginnings. A new birth of energy that is expressed in the zodiac sign where the conjunction occurs. This month is all about Leo. I discussed Leo in my last Moon Letter. In it I said that Leo is symbolized by the Lion – powerful, ferocious, fearless. At it’s best Leo is represented as a King/Queen, a ruler who uses her power for the good of all. She is confident, strong, smart, creative, and persistent is her unwavering action for what is right for her community. At its worst, Leo is power-hungry and self absorbed, and uses its power for personal gain with little regard for the consequences of its actions on others.

It is up to each person to direct her personal energy in life. We are not helpless, passive beings, certainly not when the Sun and Moon are in Leo, one of the most powerful signs in the zodiac. We need to live a life of conscious decision and wise choice. During a Leo New Moon it reminds us that it is with our full power that we can use our energy to start something good and creative, and generous. Or we can use our power to push our personal agenda with greed and dominance. I can only hope that the light and bright energy of Leo moves you towards the creation of something new that will be fun, playful, and enlivening. Feel the power of Ego, and then direct it towards something good, that benefits more than just yourself.

Leo/Aquarius Moon till Wednesday

The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in the opposite sign of Aquarius. Leo and Aquarius are two very different qualities that we all have within us, and within our world. This Full Moon gives us the opportunity to think about how we can bring these different qualities into balance.

Leo is symbolized by the Lion – powerful, ferocious, fearless. At it’s best Leo is represented as a King/Queen, a ruler who uses her power for the good of all. She is confident, strong, smart, creative, and persistent is her unwavering action for what is right for her community. At its worst, Leo is power-hungry and self absorbed, and uses its power for personal gain with little regard for the consequences of its actions on others. We have seen the positive Leo qualities in leaders like Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela. We have seen the negative qualities of Leo in the greedy and manipulative action of BP Oil Company. It seems we have plenty of examples in our country of a culture of corruption that is an example of Leo energy at its most destructive. The self-interest of politicians in Congress, the twisted faux news stories that are geared to make money instead of truth, the financial wheeling and dealing that led to the housing and economic crisis. Even the relentless heat of the summer seems to point to Leo energy that is off balance and out of control.

The Aquarian Full Moon is here to bring a balance to the hot and fiery nature of Leo. Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer, and in this wonderful painting by Eric Williams, she is shown offering a long cool drink of water, generous and abundant for all. This open-minded giving to all people, regardless of race, creed, sex, or status is one of the hallmarks of Aquarius. At its best, Aquarius is an energy of humanitarian aid, and can be seen in such organizations as Doctor without Borders and the many individual volunteers to all the causes of peace, environmentalism, and social justice.

We can strive to find the balance between personal need and humanitarian giving at any time. But the energy during this full Moon is especially powerful, particularly Saturday and Sunday. I personally love to see the Full Moon, and if possible I will sit outside under her light and meditate and pray that the changes I want to see in the world begin with me.  This could be a good weekend to remember that beautiful song of “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me. Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.” Or, the wonderful song “From a Distance” that states that when you step back from greed and ego, the unity between all of us becomes more evident.To see it sung on YouTube of one of my favorite singers, Nancy Griffith, go to http://www.youtube.com/ or check out Bette Midler’s version.  The balance we seek with this Full Moon is to use our personal power and creative nature in the service of the health and prosperity of the world.

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