Sagittarius Full Moon on June 13, 2014
Sun In Gemini- Ego’s Busy Mind
The Sun is the center of our solar system around which all the planets revolve. Likewise the Sun can symbolize the center of our life around which all the various parts of ourselves revolve. This Full Moon is asking you: What is the central organizing principal of your life?
For many of us the central organizing principal of life is the Ego.With the Sun in Gemini, an air sign, we have the opportunity to become aware of how much Ego defines our reality. Our Ego is a self-constructed identity made up of our thoughts which tell us who we are, where we belong, what we should do, and how to maintain our identity. Maintaining this separate identity we have spent years building is the main concern of the Ego. It is like we are self-creating identity machines, always producing more thoughts and needs and desires in order to maintain the Ego. A larger vision of Earth, the Solar System, Universe or our place in the aeons of time and our responsibility to this one, don’t matter to the Ego.
Our Ego-mind is so busy with maintaining the identity of this current life that it forgets that we are just one small part in a very huge interwoven net of Consciousness called the Cosmos. We need the personal self-awareness the Ego brings to be able to navigate this challenging world. But Ego is only a tool that we can master. It is not the goal of our lives here on Earth nor does it set the agenda for the current incarnation. Our Spirit does that.
Moon in Sagittarius – The aim of Spirit
The Moon represents our Soul, the inner essence which is steeped in memory and mystery. We can all tap into our Soul using the skills of intuition. With the Moon in Sagittarius, the archer who shoots for the sky, our Soul takes aim at the furthest reaches of the Cosmos seeking an expanded awareness of Spirit that connects us all. This beautiful 16th century personification of Astronomy hints at the expanses available to explore.
The Soul’s symbolic intuitive language is similar to the language of Spirit, which is also rich in metaphor and imagery. Our Soul has a direct link to Spirit, which also shines luminous in dark and mysterious places. This Full Moon in Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by positive energy of Jupiter, calls on us to connect to the positive, optimistic visionary center of ourself. But to do so we will need to break free of our old Ego patterns of identity and our habitual ways of maintaining the boundaries of that identity.
The Moon realizes this is a very big request but feels that desperate times call for desperate measures. In this Age of Aquarius, spiritual enlightenment doesn’t belong to a special select few; it belongs to all of us. This Full Moon in Sagittarius is reminding you to aim for your spiritual center and be supported by your spiritual truth.
The Balance:
This Full Moon is a time to balance the Sun and Moon. We can begin this work by clearing out old patterns of our Ego and opening up to new dimensions of our Soul. These new dimensions will lead us on a path that is personally unique (Gemini) but inspired by a collective vision for Earth (Sagittarius). Each of us are different people with different skills, resources, desires, values, and things that matter. It is time to put aside the Ego’s reasons that we are not good, wise, smart or brave enough. It is time to take the journey towards our deepest expression. Lao Tzu said “Even the longest journey must begin where you stand.” We don’t need to know each step of the way or even understand exactly where the journey ends. But it begins with who we are right now.
For You: The Earth needs you right now. Your unique gifts are important. There are not many people who have the resources, intelligence, freedom, and ability to do something about the crisis our world is facing. You are one of those few. Your light shines brightly and even the vast and magnificent cosmos is made up of the sparkle from individual stars. This Full Moon is imploring you to let go of your ego limitation and discover what fires you up both spiritually and personally. Become fascinated about your Soul’s wisdom and become curious about your journey into the unified Cosmos of which we are all a part.