Gain self-knowledge and a new perspective to your life. An Astrological Consult can bring illumination to your current circumstances and on-going Coaching can provide ways to deepen your relationship to yourself.
Walking the labyrinth can help you understand that life is a journey that is taken one step at a time. It is a wonderful way to find your center, pray, meditate, or do ceremony.
Explore what is happening in today’s sky and your life on earth. This relationship between sky and earth is the very essence of Astrology, which is a pivot between Heaven and Earth, between "as above and so below."
Dr. Lilan Laishley has a solid educational background from traditional academic institutions and a rich background in healing arts and wisdom traditions.
Lilan has a rich repertoire of classes and workshops on women's spirituality, labyrinths, mythology, astrology, ritual and more. She is a dynamic public speaker available for keynotes and conference presentations..