Walking a labyrinth is a wonderful way to find your center, pray, meditate, or do ceremony. To see the poster more clearly, click on one of the small images under the poster which will enlarge the image, and then use the navigation buttons to scroll through the different sections. This is an image of a 10 x 5 feet poster that summarizes Lilan Laishley’s research on cosmology and labyrinths. Lilan is a specialist in symbol and ritual and is the author of Labyrinths in Contemporary American Religion: Rituals that Engage a Sacred Cosmos. To find out more see the Abstract.

This is an image of a 10 x 5 feet poster that summarizes Lilan Laishley’s research on cosmology and labyrinths
- Astrology
- Buddhism
- Christian Hermeticism
- Christianity
- Contemporary Use and Current Research
- Greco-Roman
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Judaism
- Native American
- Timeline
- Cosmos? Why Labyrinths?