Full Moon in Leo

Tuesday, Feb 7th, 2012

We all have a purpose. Some interior light in us burns bright and there is a desire to shine like the Sun. We might try to keep it down, or maybe we don’t know quite what it is, or perhaps we don’t believe in ourselves. But all of that hesitation matters for naught when the Moon is in Leo, because with Leo there is a strong desire to express yourself with visible actions in the world.

Leo, the Lion, is usually thought of as the King of the jungle. Described as a wild and powerful masculine energy, he uses sheer power of will and brute force gets his way. But there is also a feminine Leo energy as seen in Sekhmet, an ancient Egyptian goddess whose name means “she who is powerful.” When we think of goddess energy we usually think of the compassionate loving energy of Kuan Yin, Green Tara, or Mary. But there is another aspect of feminine spirituality that is fierce and powerful,  charging through reality with an intention that is unstoppable. This life sized statue of the lioness Sekhmet was one of hundreds created in ancient Egypt in an attempt to gain the favor of this volatile goddess. Sekhmet was the daughter of the Sun god and her headdress represents her solar qualities. She was known for a belligerent nature, full of fury and aggression. But when pacified, her ferocity could be redirected so that she became a potent and valuable protector of the young and weak.

This Full Moon think about your own fierce nature. Meditate on this powerful image of Sekhmet. See yourself as the fierce lioness. Acknowledge the anger and aggression that you have within yourself. But instead of holding your anger in, which can lead to depression, or directing it to those closest to you, which can lead to conflict, see it as a powerful and useful energy that can be a force for good. See yourself transforming your anger into a stable ball of radiant light that lies within you and surrounds you.  Breathe deep and connect to your clarity, calm, and spiritual wisdom. From that state of calm, focus on your ball of light and using mindful action, direct it purposely into the world.

Full Moon in Cancer on Monday

Susan Seddon Boulet

The Moon is full in the sign of Cancer. This is an especially powerful place for the Moon since the Moon is more at home in Cancer than she is in any other zodiac sign. The Moon is feminine and represents the feminine energy in each of us. She is the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine, your Soul, Anima, your own mother, and the nurturing mothering part of you. The Moon rules the oceans and when she is in Cancer her emotional capability is limitless like the ocean. The ebb and flow of the tides are connected to the Moon and symbolize our changing passions. When the Moon is in Cancer it is as if the ocean is at high tide and overflowing; there is a fullness of love, compassion, and caring. There is no barrier to giving and receiving love. She stands bold and beautiful during this Full Moon in opposition to the Sun in Capricorn, the patriarchal power of acquisition and control. She acknowledges Capricorn’s need for structure and boundaries by providing containers – a bowl and cup – practical tools to share her gifts to the world.

For You: Meditate on this beautiful image of the Divine Feminine. Imagine the Moon as this goddess, so full of compassion and love that her cup runneth over. She holds in her hands an offering to the world, knowing that what she offers is just one part of her vast gifts. She looks down on all her children and shines her light equally on them, no matter where they live in this vast world, or their race, sex, religion, politics, or social status. We are all one under the Moon. The same Moon that you see tonight is the same Moon that children are seeing in Africa, and that the warriors are seeing in Iraq. Now imagine that you are this lovely goddess and that in your hands you hold a cup that is running over into a bowl that is seated on your lap. See yourself looking at the vast world, all the people, animals, birds, trees, the air and water. Feel your love and light illuminate it all. Know that you have a gift to give, and that it is only one part of who you are. See yourself overflowing with grace. Take a deep breath and acknowledge the gift you have for the world. See it clearly. Make a conscious choice to reach out and share it with love.

Full Moon in Gemini

Gemini by Eric Williams

During this Full Moon on Saturday, December 10th at 9:36 a.m EST,  put your attention to connecting your spiritual and physical realities. Since the Moon represents your intuition and Gemini is in charge of your thinking, this is a good time to combine them into intuitive thinking. Intuitive thinking comes from slowing down your fast moving monkey mind and letting it rest on the gentle flow of the reflective ocean that is illuminated by Moonlight. (Pause for a second and imagine the ocean at night, illuminated by the Moon. Now imagine your mind as a yacht gently floating on the water. Ahhh.)

Most of us stay in memory thinking, recycling the same thoughts over and over again. We get stuck in patterns of the past. Albert Einstein said that “we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” It’s time to  come up with fresh thoughts and new ideas.

To Do: Meditate on this lovely image. See the two young women as the part of you that is still hopeful, still curious, still wondering about how the world works and how you can best become engaged in its beauty. Then shift your focus to the dove. The dove has long been a symbol of spiritual connection. It is the dove that announces to Noah that the destructive flood has ended, and it is the dove that represents the seed of the Christ Child given to Mary at the Annunciation. See your own inner light, your own spiritual link, and imagine how your life will be different if you send that light out into the world, fearlessly, freshly. See the dove’s brilliance, hear the flapping of its wings, watch it sparkle in the light as it takes flight. Then watch it return to you, create a nest for it, nurture it so that you can send it out again and again.  Fully establish your link to spirit, your connection between heaven and earth.

Full Moon in Taurus

Taurus by Augusta Lucas-Andreae www.rosemandala.com

Thursday, November 10, 2011

During this Full Moon you have the opportunity to find the union between Scorpio Sun and Taurus Moon. Scorpio pushes to the surface a desire for meaningful transformation. Connected to the underworld by its association with Pluto, Scorpio has the heat of deep volcanoes and molten lava. This is the energy we are harnessing now at the Full Moon. This is the fire of passion that heats the crucible and brings the opposites into union. This month you can unite the opposing forces with your passionate desire for a better world.

The Full Moon is in Taurus. An earth sign, Taurus reminds us of the value of realistic appraisals and practical action. It is the ground upon which we walk, the earth upon which we live, the soil and water from which we produce. Taurus the Bull is patient, but powerful. It stands its ground until threatened, and then it charges, full force, into action. Right out of nowhere, things change. Taurus is reminding us to pay attention. Notice what is really happening, be aware of the truth of the matter. Taurus is providing us with the container, the crucible, for our transformation. Taurus has alerted all the earth creatures to help us in shifting our consciousness so that we see the bigger picture, and acknowledge our responsibility is not only to ourselves, but also to the next seven generations

To Do: As you meditate on this beautiful mandala notice that it contains images for Taurus. See the Bull, joined at the center in Notice the abundance of plants and flowers, surrounded by the symbol for Venus, goddess of Love. Let yourself be pulled down into the earth, feel its richness, its patience, its ability to give us life and growth. Imagine a rich and fertile world where we are all pregnant with possibility.

New Moon in Scorpio Wednesday 3:56 pm

Scorpio by Eric Williams

Today is a New Moon, and what a New Moon it is!! Not only are the Sun and Moon in the water sign Scorpio, but Mercury and Venus are also swimming around in the deep mysteries of the psyche. The New Moon each month is a reminder that you can always begin anew. With all this Scorpio energy charging things up, this new beginning might seem connected to something in your past that no longer serves you. It is a time to begin looking deep within to find the root causes of things that are bothering you. It is a time to delve into your psyche, remember incidents from the past, and recall memories from childhood. Look particularly at how you communicate (Mercury) with those you love (Venus). Pay close attention to your dreams over the next few nights. You may gain an insight into some old pattern that you have been repeating that has been holding you back. I know for me, I am working on being less critical of those I love. I am working on keeping my mouth shut and my heart open.  You may discover that changing old patterns from your past will bring an opportunity for you to move more fully into your future.

Full Moon Tuesday at 10:06 pm edt

Aries by Eric Williams

This Full Moon: The Sun is in Libra, which means that your conscious awareness sees clearly the needs and demands of the people around you. Since Saturn is also in Libra right now, you might be asking yourself what you “should” do, and what is the “responsible” action to take. You look around and see yourself surrounded by family and societal expectations, and perceive that it is necessary to put everyone else’s needs before your own. But the Moon, your unconscious intuition, has a different agenda. In Aries, it longs for self expression, to take an action that is just for yourself alone. You sense the road in front of you and long to find the buried treasure at the end. With Uranus also in Aries right now, you might be thinking of doing something rash, walking out, taking off, and breaking free from obligations. Your heart is aching to express itself.

To Do: This Full Moon in Aries is asking you to listen to your heart. Hear the calling of your intuition. Pay attention to your dreams. Feel your desire to stretch out, take risks, and find the treasure that is you. Autumn reminds you that all life dies, and that the time left for you to truly live will not last forever. But it wants you to balance your need for self expression with your equally strong need for love, partnership and community, all the qualities represented by the Sun in Libra. Take time this Full Moon (Monday through Wednesday) to ponder how you can fully be yourself in the company of others. How you can see the ties that bind as the net that will catch you if you happen to fall on your journey. Let Uranus and Saturn join together to inspire new creative structures that will serve both your need for personal expression and for loving commitment.

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New Moon/Solar Eclipse

Cancer by Eric Williams

July 1, 2011 at 4:54 am EDT. At every New Moon, the Sun and Moon are in the same sign. This month it is Cancer. New Moons are great times to begin something new, and since it is in Cancer, the sign of the home, it is a great time to do something new with your home. Notice how the symbol for Cancer is the crab, who carries its home with it wherever it goes. This New Moon is a fantastic day to move into a new home, since you start your new nest surrounded with Cancer’s love, comfort, and nurturing energy. But if you’re not moving into a new home today, you can buy something new for the home, or clean your house, or bring in flowers. It’s a wonderful day to remember how lucky you are to have a home, especially during these challenging times when tornadoes, flood, and fire are leaving many people without the comfort of a place to live. The symbol for Cancer looks like two arms circling and protecting. Do something today that makes you feel warm inside, and gives you a feeling of protection and safety. You can lay in the arms of your beloved, or hold your child to your breast. All of these things are part of the energy of Cancer. Or maybe, like the crab, you are carrying your home on your back, carrying a suitcase and cellphone as you explore the world. Just remember that home is where the heart is, and you can find love wherever you are. And since this New Moon is a partial solar eclipse, the energies are even strengthened and deepened.

Don’t worry if you don’t see this partial solar eclipse. No one else will either! It will only be visible if you are in an extremely remote part of the world, an uninhabited region on the coast of Antarctica, where the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. Still, the symbolism is significant, and the energy will still be available if you take the time to meditate or tune in.  A solar eclipse happens only at the New Moon and occurs because the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, blocking the light of the Sun. This is an image of a partial eclipse taken in January 2011.

This solar syzygy, is a perfect union between the Moon, your Soul, the Sun, your Spirit, and the Earth, your body. It is a good reminder to live this  life (Earth) in alignment with your greater purpose (Sun) and in connection with your intuition and deeper knowledge (Moon).

Full Moon in Sagittarius on Wednesday

Susan Seddon Boulet

The Sun is in Gemini so the Moon is in the opposite sign of Sagittarius. With a Gemini Sun our Conscious mind seeks what is already familiar. It navigates within the perimeters of the known, bound by family, history, science, economics, religion, and politics. While this playing field seems large, it is tightly bound by what is expected.

With the Moon in Sagittarius our Unconscious mind is inspired by Spirit to quest into the unknown. These quests of Spirit go beyond what the mind already knows is possible. It is open to finding, even seeking, ideas never before considered. This Sagittarius Full Moon is a time to lift your wings, set your eyes on a far horizon, and take flight. Let your imagination embrace that there are possibilities that you never before considered. Explore, Expand, Embrace. Albert Einstein said that “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” He also said “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Let’s all join together and break free from the bounds of conventional reality and create a world never before imagined.

Last week I read an amazing story about the discovery of complex creatures living a mile beneath the Earth’s surface. This is a breakthrough discovery because scientists thought that life could not exist that far underground.  This changes everything we thought we knew about life. And it raises the possibility that life on other planets could also exist underground. Mars, for example, used to have a much wetter, warmer climate until radiation turned it into the barren planet it is today. But now it seems life on Mars could be happening underground. The researcher who made this discovery was met early on by skepticism and received no professional support or funds. But he did not limit himself to what everyone thought was possible. He sought out a like-minded risk taker who was intrigued by his ideas and brought him the research support he needed. Read about it Here

I love all the art by Susan Seddon Boulet, but this image of Eagle Woman is a favorite. To Do: This Full Moon, from Monday night to Thursday morning, meditate on this image. You are perched on a high mountain, where with the eyes of an eagle you can see far into the distance. You crouch down, ready to take flight, wings held aloft, ready to stretch out. The Sun/Spirit illuminates your journey and you are full of determination and confidence. You hold in your hand a small cup from which to give and to receive. Your exploration is happening in any part of your life, from physical adventures, intellectual inquiries, professional opportunities, scientific discoveries, creative expression, and diving into the depths of your soul. You might not know yet where you are going, but you trust to spirit and vision to find your way.

Full Moon in Scorpio

by Bernie Lopez

The Moon represents our unconscious, feelings, and intuition. It is the part of ourselves that is in the dark and hidden from our conscious mind, which is represented by the bright and penetrating Sun. During a full moon the Sun and Moon are opposite each other in the sky, and the bright light of the Sun is reflected off the surface of the Moon, creating a luminous glow that is bright enough that it illuminates the depths of night so we can see what lies within our psyche and stirs within our soul.

With the Moon in Scorpio, (opposite the Sun in Taurus) we have the opportunity to illuminate the darkest and most hidden depths of ourselves, the part that Carl Jung called the Shadow. The Shadow is made up from the parts that we don’t want to acknowledge. It is our failure, our fears, our insecurities, our mistakes, injuries, illness. and pain. It is everything that the Ego doesn’t think belongs in the more perfect world of its creation. So, the unwanted garbage of the Ego gets buried, deep, hidden and out of sight; it becomes the Shadow. We can even forget the Shadow exists, just like the US did with Bin Laden. It was too damaging to acknowledge that he could still be out there, so we downgraded him to a symbolic threat, a powerless fugitive on the run. But the truth with Bin Laden, as the truth in us, is that just because we want to pretend the Shadow doesn’t exist and has no power, doesn’t mean it’s true. If we don’t acknowledge that the Shadow exists we tend to project it outward, and put our fear and shame onto other people. Instead of acknowledging our fear of the elusive Bin Laden, we put fear on Muslims in general, or dark skinned foreigners. But the fear really lives within ourselves, always under the surface, waiting.

This Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday May 17th at 7:09 am EDT is an opportunity to illuminate that which would normally be left unseen. This stark and powerful image represents to me the meaning of this Full Moon in Scorpio.  Striped bare, it hold just the essentials. Everything is clear in the light, the raven watches over a landscape of red, a color that eludes to the battles that have gone before. An intelligent scavenger and carrion bird, it senses where the bodies are buried. It is fearless in uncovering them. The pure truth of our hidden fears is exposed. It is brought up to the light, to be dealt with and healed. Our Shadow might even be sent into the watery depths of the ocean to be reabsorbed by the collective psyche for regeneration and renewal.

This Full Moon in Scorpio is a perfect time to face your fears and acknowledge your hidden Shadow. Take some time to really ponder what it is that you fear; what it is that you avoid; what do you hate; how do you hold yourself back; what inner messages keep you paralyzed; what makes your anger explode; what causes you to shut down and withdraw.  Ask yourself, or those close enough to you to tell you the truth, what part of yourself you have buried. Realize that those are the part of your Shadow that are holding you captive, keeping you from being fully free.

Often people don’t really want to discover their Shadow, and avoid dealing with it at all. But, that is really impossible, since it is always creeping around in the psyche, causing trouble in your life. This wonderful image is by Carl Jung as he was exploring his inner life and finding his Shadow. He used a process he called Active Imagination, which is like dreaming while awake. He would talk to the different parts of himself and try to understand the workings of his mind and soul. I often find my Shadow in dreams, sometimes as a figure clothed in a dark cape, just on the edge of darkness. You can work with your dreams to find out about your Shadow. I also love film, and so many good movies deal with facing and overcoming the Shadow, including Star Wars (Darth Vader) and Lord of the Rings (Sauron). Even just watching those movies can be cathartic and illuminating. Take time to journal and be honest with what is hidden within yourself. For in doing so, you will find a hidden jewel that can be acknowledged, brought into consciousness, and reintegrated.

Full Moon in Cancer

Wednesday, January 19th.  It is during the time of the Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon are at opposite points in the zodiac, that we have an opportunity to find balance between them. This month the Sun is in Capricorn and the Moon is in the opposite sign of Cancer.

Mara Berendt Friedman

This beautiful image called “Rooted in Reverence, Seated in Spirit” represents what I feel this Full Moon is all about. Cancer, a water sign, is the zodiac sign most aligned to the Moon, and in astrological terms, the Moon is said to “rule” the sign of Cancer. Both Moon and Cancer represent love, caring, nurturing, gentleness, and protection. Under this Cancer Moon our hearts can hold extra amounts of love and compassion, so much that we can feel our hearts breaking, exploding with deep care. Cancer acts as a container and holds within it our sense of family and home. We want the best for our families, friends, and communities. And it is with the people closest to us that we are able to relax, drop our guard, and allow ourselves to express our true feeling.

I think I resonate so fully with this image because it reminds me of the wounding and healing that our nation is going through right now after the tragedy in Tucson. The image brings together the loving feeling of Cancer with the hard reality of Capricorn. The mountains in the background remind me of the southwest desert, and the woman in the image is grounded, rooted deeply to the earth. Capricorn is an earth sign, practical, full of deep commitment. Tucson, like many of the communities where we all live and work, has long been building families, jobs, and political networks. Our communities come from years of hard work and responsibility, key words to describe the determined energy of Capricorn.

When something as terrible as this shooting occurs, it feels like our community is ripped apart, undone, destroyed. The emotional pain is great and our temptation is to run and hide, like a crab, and bury ourselves under the sand. But the practical, resilient strength of Capricorn is there to catch us, and brings real tangible support to the emotions of Cancer. By dropping our roots even deeper into our communities, by working even harder to support the things we care about, we can provide a foundation that is so strong that our hearts feels safe. And all those deep and confusing emotions become fused in love and become transformed, and like the Phoenix bird, lift up and spread our hopes and blessing on the world.

To do: This Full Moon is exact at 4:21 pm EST on Wednesday, January 19th. From Tuesday to Thursday, and beyond, sit in silence and visualize this image. See yourself as this woman, in the desert in Tucson. Feel yourself grounded to the earth. Feel the pain of your community, the pain of your nation. Allow your heart to open. Feel the safety of your emotions. Extend your chest out, and imagine that from your heart a transformational energy takes flight that carries your love forth to heal our nation. Imagine your energy dropping like gentle rain across our land, to nourish the earth that will soon give birth to new seeds of hope.

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