Full Moon in Aquarius- Twice!!
July and August 2013: The Moon, the interior soul, is in Aquarius. Aquarius is the most progressive and global of the zodiac signs. It wants to break away from the normal routines and learn about what lies beyond the next horizon. This month’s Full Moon brings a sense of longing for a life different than the one you have been living. You might be feeling an inner urge to take some risks, to reach out, to get engaged in the ideas and concepts that will bring new richness to your world. The Sun, the outer ego, is in Leo, so it wants you to live with abandon to fulfill your personal desires and to be sure that whatever you engage in is fun, creative, full of passion, color, and excitement. Aquarius, a bit more detached and intellectual than Leo, is willing to find the balance between its broader humanitarian perspective and the Leo Sun’s personal desires by taking some calculated risks, actions that not only feed your personal needs but also work for the greater good. This Full Moon is challenging you to set sail for a destination that will be tons of fun for you personally and help humankind in the process. Risks will be involved, but not recklessness.
The Moon is in Aquarius, an air sign, so this is a perfect Full Moon to catch the wind and set sail to a port that you have longed wished to see. The ‘port’ is a symbol for something you have been wanting to do, but haven’t been sure you were prepared to do it. This might be actual travel, but could just as likely be a new job, relationship, book, education, activism, garden, or creative hobby. The ‘ship’ is a symbol for your physical body, your vehicle that is ready to get involved in something that excites you and deepens your connection to this life that you are now living. As Henry David Thoreau said, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” This Full Moon is asking you to Set Sail! Take the risks of a new destination. Don’t let your fears stop you. Your time on earth is limited, and you don’t know when you will return. This is your life, your time, your moment.
For You: Take a few deep breaths and let yourself settle in a comfortable position. Feel your body start to relax. Put one palm on your belly and the other palm on your chest and just breathe. Take deep belly breaths and feel your body rise and fall with each breath. Imagine that you are on the water, comfortably rising up and down with the rocking of the sea. Imagine that you have a ship that you are ready to launch. See it clearly in your mind’s eye. It is a good ship, strong and sturdy. You have been preparing for this voyage for many years and have acquired all you need for a successful launch. See your ship shining as it floats on the sparkling water, docked at shore as it is being loaded for the journey. What are the goods that you have gathered? The skills, education, services, graces, and work that you have learned as part of this life that will be yours to utilize as you head to your new destination. Allow yourself to feel good about the person you are, the skills you have, and the goods that your ship holds. Notice the crew, those people who are your allies that you can count on to encourage you, support you, and be there for you on smooth or rocky seas. Feel the excitement, that blend of fear and joy, as you set out for the destination that you have always desired. Clearly see your destination, that place or thing or attitude that you are willing to seek and hopeful to find. And remember, you have an entire month to ponder these things and get clearer on your ship and your destination. Next month’s Full Moon will also be in Aquarius, so the universe is giving you plenty of time to get this one figured out. See the New Moon in Leo on August 6th as a half way point to figuring out your dreams, with the next Full Moon in Aquarius on August 20th as the date to launch your ship.