The Sun is in Libra, and the Sun is the conscious part of ourselves that is seeking and striving to be fully in its light – enlightenment. So this month, bring your total consciousness to your relationships. Open your ears to really listen with curiosity and respect, and open your hearts to allow the sweetness of compassion to strengthen the ties that bind you to the people in your life.

by Linda Holt-Ayriss
Moon in Aries. Oh boy. Watch out for emotional flare ups, challenging conversations, locking horns in battle, thoughtless actions. And all of this from a totally unconscious place. The Moon is our Soul, which lives in the realm of the unconscious and speaks through the language of emotions. So, to say that for the next few days we will all be unconsciously triggered by any little thing is a bit of an understatement. This Ram, the symbol of Aries, is prancing quite unconcerned through the wreckage of a volcanic eruption. I think that about says it all.
Aries is a wonderful energy. Passionate, fierce, energetic, direct, courageous, combative. But those are qualities best used with a certain amount of consciousness and intent. When Aries is hanging out with the Moon, and all reason is lost, and when it is fueled by Uranus and Jupiter, as it is right now, well, all bets are off. I suggest buying flowers, making dinner, seduction, flattery, humor, whatever it takes to get your foot out of your mouth.
The Sun leaves the sign of Virgo (remember her beautiful purity?), and enters Libra late Wednesday night. Libra is the sign of relationships and is represented by balance scales, an instrument that allows us to weigh two things in relationship to each other. I thought this drawing by one of my favorite artists, Susan Seddon Boulet, a more beautiful illustration of the balance between duality, than any picture of scales.
If you look closely (i.e. meditate) on this picture you will see much that reminds you of Libra. First, the duality, second, it is beautiful, and third, it is full of love. Hearts connect these two people and there is a cupid at the base, showing that the foundation of any relationship is love. And the butterflies signify transformation, which is part of any real relationship, that challenges us to grow. And the ears!! oh the ears! It is through listening that we create relationships. Libra knows that any relationship exists because of the connection between two people – not a projection of what we want a person to be – but a real connection based on truth, and honesty, and communication.
The Equinox happens twice a year, once in the Spring, and one in the Fall. It is part of the cycle of the Sun I mentioned in the last Moon Letter. Equinox means “equal” and it is when the day and night are equal in length. From this point on, night will gain the upper hand until we reach the Winter Solstice, when night is dominant and the light is short. The Fall equinox always occurs when the Sun moves into Libra, the sign of Balance. Libra represents the balance between day and night, between yang and yin, between love and war, between men and women, between …..
The Sun is in Libra, and the Sun is the conscious part of ourselves that is seeking and striving to be fully in its light – enlightenment. So this month, bring your total consciousness to your relationships. Open your ears to really listen with curiosity and respect, and open your hearts to allow the sweetness of compassion to strengthen the ties that bind you to the people in your life.

by Susan Seddon Boulet
During each Full Moon we have the opportunity to balance the opposing energies of the Sun and the Moon; this month we balance Libra and Aries. Libra is the refined, conscious, beautiful woman who seeks the best in all relationships in order to find harmony. In essence, she is Beauty.
Aries is the Beast. The lovable, but totally primitive and unconscious animal parts of ourselves that are so full of energy, that without them all the beauty in the world would die on the vine. We need both of these energies. We need the passionate nature of our unconscious angers and emotions. But we also need them to be tamed by the desire for love and relationship.
This Full Moon, either Wednesday or Thursday (day or night, since the Moon puts out spectacular light into the dawn) meditate on how your unconscious beliefs and habits are creating havoc in your relationships. Are you reacting to your current lover like she was your x-wife? Are you overly sensitive about criticism because it reminds you of your father? Do you feel insecure due to your parents early divorce? The list of human foibles goes on. Be the Beauty. Allow your love and compassion and awareness to bring the Beast in yourself into harmony. This is the time of the year to balance that which is your darkness and that which is your light. Remember they need each other, for in the connection we are complete.