Fear and Love

What is the balance between Fear and Love.

At one extreme people right now in our country are afraid. The strong violent reaction to the Heath Care bill really brought that fact to the surface. Bullies are abounding, calling legislatures racial names, and throwing bricks through windows. People are afraid of losing their job, their home, their family, and even their country. There is a huge increase in gun purchases, and legislatures are passing new gun laws to allow people to pack weapons in schools, universities, bars, parks, and even Starbucks! Some people feel a need to have a weapon to protect themselves from what in their eyes is a very dangerous world.

On the other extreme people are full of love, hope, and faith. There are people who believe that some other force is watching this planet and that all the problems of the world will be fixed when this other force brings us the compassionate wisdom and salvation we need. Some people see this as an upcoming apocalypse brought on by Christ, others see it as Beings from another planet or dimension who are sending helpful energies to us through portals, others rely on Archangels as the spiritual force that will shift the vibration of the planet to love.

Both of these perspectives are valid, and have truth. But they also represent the far poles of Aries and Libra, of Fear and Love.  During this Full Moon take the time to find the place of balance between these two polarities. Ask yourself: What do I fear? How does this fear direct my actions? What is the source of this fear? Then ask yourself: What do I love? How does love direct my actions? What is the source of this love?  Once you have the two polarities understood, focus on that line between the Yin and the Yang, focus on the place where fear and love disappear. Where love and fear meld into a more perfect union.

There are so many examples of taking loving action to address something that you fear. For example, if you fear pollution of the Earth, plan to participate in an Earth Day Event on April 22nd. If you fear your child’s school is becoming a dangerous place, organize a parental group to address the issue and seek solutions. One woman, Vikki Hanchin, is finding the balance encouraging other women to become awakened to their power so that together we can begin to make the changes that the world so desperately needs, one person at a time. You can find out about her actions through www.wholepersonwholeplanet.com

Is a Perfect Balance Possible?

I was thinking about this Full Moon and the place of balance between Yin/Yang as represented by the line between the light and dark. In my newsletter I stated that the world is always in flux between the Yin and Yang and that there are only fleeting moments of balance and the rest of the time we are in flux, change, upheaval, even.

It brings up the question as to whether it is possible for us, as humans, to always be in the place of harmony as represented by that line between light and dark. Is it possible for us to live in that place of oneness?

I believe the answer to that question is no. We cannot, as a people, as a species, live in a place of total harmony and enlightenment. This is a world of opposites. This is a world of Sun and Moon, day and night, light and dark, good and evil, rich and poor. This planet that we call home is a planet of duality. Since the very beginning of our existence, for millennium, there have always been wars, poverty, and conflict. This planet Earth is the planet of Good and Evil. The people in history who most stand out are those who fought for good – Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King – and those who fought for evil – Genghis Khan,  Hitler, Stalin. This is a planet of conflict and strife. This is a planet where the on-going to and fro of good vs. evil continues. I don’t think that we as humans would be happy in a state of bliss, harmony, and oneness.

We may end up blowing each other up, but hey, that is the nature of this planet. We are not the enlightened ones. We are the kindergarteners fighting at recess. And in that fight some people stand for good, and some people stand for evil. Where do you stand? Why are you here? What do you contribute to the challenge of equilibrium?

The Lord of the Rings, written by Tolkein and made into a spectacular movie by Peter Jackson, is one of the most fantastic stories of the fight between good and evil. Which character do you identify with? What is your task? And will you succeed on your quest? As Sam says to Frodo: “There is something good in this world, and its worth fighting for.” I absolutely, one hundred percent believe Sam is right. Let’s accept that this is a planet of duality, of light and dark. Let’s give up on the idea of perfect peace. Let’s embrace the ever changing, flip-flopping duality that is inherent on this planet Earth. Take a stand, and stay centered, and work for a more perfect union.

The Yin / Yang Symbol

The Yin/Yang symbol is a very simple, yet powerful symbol of perfect balance that leads to wholeness. It shows that everything is held within the whole by an opposing force, represented by the opposing black and white halves of the circle. The black side is Yin and represents darkness, night, Moon, unconsciousness, receptive, female energy. The white side is Yang and represents light, day, Sun, consciousness, active, male energy. These energies are always interacting, always in flux, and are interconnected, which is represented by the small circle of dark Yin within the Yang, and a small circle of light Yang within the Yin.

The Yin/Yang is helpful in understanding the importance of the Full Moon. During the Full Moon the opposing, yet equal energies of life that are always in flux, find a momentary point of balance. When you meditate on the Yin/Yang symbol put your focus on the line in that center that with great gracefulness both separates and joins the two opposite sides. In that space, for just a moment, all the opposites disappear, and you are left gazing at oneness. It is the same with the Full Moon. For just this brief time each month we can meditate on the connecting point of two opposing forces, and in doing so, find a place of union.

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