Full Moon in Libra
April 15, 2014 @ 3:42 am EDT.
How do we balance two totally different, seemingly unrelated things? Like this month we need to find the balance between the Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra. Aries is the astrological energy of intense focus on “Me, Me, Me.” It is about my life, my ambition, my home, my faith, my destiny, my money, and so on. Libra, on the other hand, brings its focus to the question of “You.” It is about your life, your needs, your battles, your hunger, your hate, your love, and so on.
This beautiful image of a woman (The Moon in Libra) and a man (The Sun in Aries) is a perfect illustration for this dilemma. They stand looking at each other, reaching out, but there is something between them that keeps them apart. The large circle in the center holds the key to finding the connection. The thing that is between us can either separate us or be what holds us together. We can fight about our differences or we can find peace in the points of agreement.
We pretty much all agree that things are not going the way that they should and that something needs to change. But we disagree on what needs to change. This Full Moon is suggesting that we start agreeing that things aren’t going so well, and start with that. And then find the places we agree they aren’t going so well, and move ahead with that. This Full Moon is suggesting that we let the obstacles that separate us become opportunities to join us together.
Because this Full Moon is also a total lunar eclipse, the message of balance becomes even more highlighted, since an eclipse is a perfect alignment between the Moon, Earth, and Sun. So the large circle between the Moon/Woman and Sun/Man represents Earth, that place where we all meet together. Earth can become our place of agreed connection. I think we can all agree that food, shelter, water, work, money, health, survival, honeybees, bats, and other natural wonders are important. Let’s put our energy on finding solutions, not blaming each other for the problems. The way to balance Me and You, is to find our place together. It doesn’t mean to ignore my needs in order to meet yours. It means expanding my needs to include your needs and the needs of this planet.
For You: Take some deep breaths and let your body relax. Become aware of your individual body, your personal thoughts, your private needs, and your defined identity and ego. Feel very clearly your personal boundary. Now start to feel yourself expand. Move your thoughts and energies beyond your personal space and out into your house, then to your yard, to your city, state, country, continent, and now world. See the Earth as if you are in space and notice how perfectly beautiful it is. The Earth is your home and the home of every other person alive today. Notice how fragile it is, with only a thin layer of atmosphere around it, protecting it like a bubble. Think of one thing that you need in your personal life that is also needed by the Earth. Now think of another, and then another. Notice all the ways that your ambitions are also the Earth’s ambitions. Take a deep breath and return to your body and get a sense of your expansion. As you go about your day start to notice all the opportunities that arise where you can practice harmony and balance instead of separation and discord. Spend your day building energetic connections and verbal agreements, weaving you and me, together.